


Mehmet Ayvat

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 25.06.2016 - 15:02:59

Kaptan çok iyi, bilgili, görgülü, nazik. Aþçý'mýz ve diðer görevli arkadaþlar çok iyi, iþlerine vakýf. Hepsine çok teþekkür ediyorum.

Emine G.

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 25.06.2016 - 14:57:48

Kaptan ve personele çok teþekkürler. Son derece nazik, ilgili ve güler yüzlüler. Acentada ki arkadaþlara da teþekkürler.

Nuri Kurtbay

Bodrum - Golfe de Gökova - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 04.06.2016 - 13:38:36

Personelin çok baþarýlý olduðunu düþünüyorum. Farký yaratan insanlar ve anlayýþlarýdýr.

H. Maas

04.06.2016 - 13:32:06

Extremely friendly staff, especially the captain and the cook. Fresh food, well prepared, better than previous cruises. Thank you very much !

Dorothy Johnson

30.05.2016 - 10:55:59

Excellent trip. Can't wait for the next one !

Hýdýr Ç.

30.05.2016 - 10:35:37

Program önceden belirlenmiþ olsa da katýlýmcýlarýn önerisiyle ufak tefek deðiþiklikler yapýlmalý (Bu turda yapýldý, çok güzel oldu, genelde de yapýlmalý)

Mr + Mrs Kennedy

30.05.2016 - 10:57:21

This is the best cruise we have ever been on. Thank you :)

Marshall Handly

Bodrum - Sud Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 28.05.2016 - 14:36:29

Crew was absolutely fantastic. Every member of the crew was friendly, professional and extremely competent.

Rob and Lýnda Soames

28.05.2016 - 14:28:11

Thanks to Captain JJ and the crew for giving us a brilliant holiday.

Joel Hain

28.05.2016 - 14:30:23

Great experience ! Friendly crew and good food, crew is a legend.
I would definitely recommend this cruise to friends.


28.05.2016 - 14:33:09

This is my first sailing experience and it has been amazing. The food was tasty, boat waas comfortable and the crew was friendly and courteous. Would definitely recommend this to friends. XO

Steve B.

28.05.2016 - 14:44:05

Excellent crew, exceptional food choice and quality.

Suz K.

28.05.2016 - 14:35:29

Great Job the crew + captain + cook :))

Andrea K.

28.05.2016 - 14:26:07

Thank you very much. It was fantastic !

Nina Mossop

Bodrum - Sud Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 28.05.2016 - 14:40:22

Had such a great time ! The boat was lovely + the crew were all amazing + super helpful ! Great food. Thank you !

Yacht Holidays Specialist