


Lynette Taylor

06.05.2015 - 17:04:48

Captain Muammer, Omer and Taylan The best !! We had the most relaxing, fun and fantastic cruise ever. The food and the program were perfect.

Tom Say

11.08.2014 - 13:41:38

The staff were extremely friendly and caring of my familys needs. The food was superb. Would definately come again.


Marmaris - Fethiye - Marmaris Avec Bateaux A/C - 09.08.2014 - 10:28:45

Amazing crew and the food was incredible. A great experience! I barely had to lift a finger. Would recommended to anyone


Marmaris - Fethiye - Marmaris Avec Bateaux A/C - 09.08.2014 - 10:32:47

Her þey mükemmeldi. Teþekkürler.


08.08.2014 - 17:24:32

Unforgetable experience, the beeuty of coast and the choice of captain have been great. all the family works very well and made our holidays nice. Nature happines and smiles

Jovana Dordevic

08.08.2014 - 17:28:27

We spent relax nice time. We are anjoy all the time. Excellent family, very nice and polite people.

Federica Levieri & Emanuele Wozzo

08.08.2014 - 17:30:53

Fantastic Crew! The Captain well the sea. The beach and the weather condition. We are realy satisfy by his choice and his person.

Taþkýn Su

Bodrum - Sud Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 03.08.2014 - 09:51:16

Barbaros'un turlarýndan birine daha önce katýlmýþ ve çok memnun kalmýþtýk. Bu nedenle yine Barbaros ile bir tura katýlmak istedik. Rotanýn güzelliðine, servisin güzelliði ve tekne personelinin ilgisi ve nezaketi eklenince bizim için muhteþem bir tatil ortaya çýktý. Barbaros ekibine, kaptanýmýza çok teþekkür ederiz. Baþka bir mavi turda yine Barbaros Yachting ile güzel bir tatil yapmak dileðiyle.

Hülya & Hulusi Orhan

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 03.08.2014 - 10:00:02

Tüm ekip çok iyiydi. aþçý, gemiciler. Yemekler çok leziz, servis çok iyi. Böyle bir ekiple karþýlaþmaktan çok memnun kaldýk.

Tuðba & Mert Subaþýoðlu

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 03.08.2014 - 10:00:02

Barbaros Yatçýlýk ile ilk turumuzu yaptýk. Ofis hizmetinizden memnun kaldýk. Karþýlama da güzeldi. Teknemizden memnun kaldýk. Özellikle mürettebat gayet iyiydi. Kaptanýmýz kibar ve iyi bir insan. Her kese karþý güzel davrandý. Koyla ve rotalar güzel seçilmiþti. Özellikle aþçýnýn yemekleri güzeldi. Personel gayretli ve çalýþkandý. Biz çok memnun kaldýk. Teþekkürler.

Pec Bell

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 03.08.2014 - 10:00:02

Should have excellent instead of very good. 4 crew members where fantastic. Chef was great. Food always fresh. Will definetly recoomend to friends and Family.

Peter & Diana Borgmeyer

Bodrum - Nord Dodecanese - Bodrum Avec Bateaux A/C - 03.08.2014 - 10:00:02

Crew were fantastic expecially the cook, food was great.

Joanna Bacon

Marmaris - Fethiye - Marmaris Avec Bateaux A/C - 02.08.2014 - 11:36:09

All the staff were very pleasent and made the trip an enjoyable expreience

Courtney Granger & Zac Vaile

Marmaris - Fethiye - Marmaris Avec Bateaux A/C - 02.08.2014 - 11:36:09

The cruise was above our expectation. The staff went above and beyond. Very Happy. Would highly recommend.

Davina Hopman

Fethiye - Marmaris (Mini Tour) Avec Bateaux A/C - 02.08.2014 - 10:19:06

Great Food, Great Company
Excellent Staff!
Comfortable outdoor spating /bedding
I would love to come back!

Yacht Holidays Specialist